The Yogi Next to You


What’s your yoga story? How did you find Mala?

I practiced yoga a little after college and then let it drop until in 2001 a friend who had been talking about her yoga class made me realize I wanted to try yoga again. Not realizing how complicated yoga had become in the years since college, I asked for a yoga classes for Christmas and I picked a class to attend based on a time that worked for me. The teacher asked if I has practiced before and when I said yes in the 70’s, I think she thought I meant a location in Manhattan, anyway I kept it up and when I heard of a new studio opening on Court St, I gave it a try. I loved it right away especially the fact that instruction was actually happening in the classes not just me looking around to see what everyone else was doing.

What pose do you want to do all day? What pose could you never do again?

I like Triangle and the warrior poses. Not sure there is any pose I would never do again; I aspire to do all of them! The never-ending journey is one of the things I love about yoga.

What are your biggest yoga obstacles and how do you overcome them?

Fear which is a problem with inversions and arm balances. I have come a long way from ambivalence about these poses to desire to do them.

What was the last Dharma talk that resonated with you?

So many! Angela likes to read from “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry” and I love just the image of that because that describes so much of life. Lately Steph has been reminding us that our practice is an ‘over time” practice, which is a very helpful mantra.

Where is your favorite place to get coffee, or a drink, post-yoga?

Sometimes Starbucks, because it is convenient!

If you could practice yoga anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I love the idea of the retreats by the ocean – they sound heavenly.

How has practicing shifted other aspects of your life?

Yoga has helped me to be more thoughtful in my everyday life.

We’re thrilled to bring you the stories of Mala yogis in their own words.  Maybe you know them, maybe you’ve never seen them before, maybe they look familiar, maybe you once knew their name, but forgot.  Whatever the case may be, here is the chance to learn a little more about the person practicing on the mat next to you.  Click here to read about other yogis.

About The Mala Yoga Blog

We are a Brooklyn-based studio that focuses on alignment, balance and community. Have a read, try one of our Practice Podcasts, or come in and say "hi" in person!
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